7 - Solution Algorithm Test Three
Team Solutions
For ideality, the question is: “Does the system produce actual output equal to or greater than its...
Team Solutions

9 - Example Summary
Team Analysis
There are a few points that these two examples are meant to illustrate: The concept of IFR = 0 is...
Team Analysis
There are a few points that these two examples are meant to illustrate: The concept of IFR = 0 is...
Transform or Change an Attribute
Change Models
Description Add different roles to an existing team system or different teams to a supersystem....
Change Models
Description Add different roles to an existing team system or different teams to a supersystem....
1 - Team Change Justification
Change Justification
Template Executive Summary A summary of the change proposal and benefits. Written last. TEAM...
Change Justification
Template Executive Summary A summary of the change proposal and benefits. Written last. TEAM...
Original Bibliography
This is my original bibliography for the research conducted between 2007 and 2012. The material...
This is my original bibliography for the research conducted between 2007 and 2012. The material...
The Science of Teams
The Science of Teams (TSoT) is an original scientific framework for analyzing “systems of people”, or what...
The Science of Teams (TSoT) is an original scientific framework for analyzing “systems of people”, or what...
7 - Syntopical
People and team systems do not exist in isolation and do not function in isolation; they are part...
People and team systems do not exist in isolation and do not function in isolation; they are part...
6 - Solution Algorithm Test Two
Team Solutions
For value, the question is: “Does the system produce actual output benefits equal to or greater...
Team Solutions

5 - Omega Patterns: Pattern of Transition to a Specialized Role in a SuperSystem or Failure of Systemity
The Omega pattern represents the final nature of a system, it predicts the eventual system transformation...
The Omega pattern represents the final nature of a system, it predicts the eventual system transformation...
3 - Example Characteristics
There is not a complete list of team characteristics, the varied nature of production, products,...
There is not a complete list of team characteristics, the varied nature of production, products,...
8 - Example Analysis 2
Team Analysis
Original Statement “We are struggling with our dunning collection phone calls because of the...
Team Analysis
Original Statement “We are struggling with our dunning collection phone calls because of the...
Change Environment
Change Models
Description Transition the role or team from the system environment to the supersystem...
Change Models
Description Transition the role or team from the system environment to the supersystem...
IFR Research and Generation
Strategic Analysis
Traditional market research methods can lead to days and months of research, and they rely on...
Strategic Analysis
Traditional market research methods can lead to days and months of research, and they rely on...
What is The Science of Teams?
The Science of Teams (TSoT) is basically the culmination of my professional notes from between...
The Science of Teams (TSoT) is basically the culmination of my professional notes from between...
6 - Principles
TSoT also creates a context for value analysis, decision support, requirement analysis...
TSoT also creates a context for value analysis, decision support, requirement analysis...
5 - BPS Formulas
Team Solutions
A systems BPS is the process of bringing its ideality and value into balance BPS ↔ I + V A systems...
Team Solutions
A systems BPS is the process of bringing its ideality and value into balance BPS ↔ I + V A systems...
4.5 - Pattern of Increasing Dynamism through Information Saturation
As more relationships develop between systems more data is shared between the systems and systems...
As more relationships develop between systems more data is shared between the systems and systems...
2 - Value Zones
Another guiding principle is the subdivision of team characteristics. Effort has been made to...
Another guiding principle is the subdivision of team characteristics. Effort has been made to...
7 - Example Analysis 1
Team Analysis
Original Statement “Currently senior management will not use the finance team’s revenue reports at their...
Team Analysis
Original Statement “Currently senior management will not use the finance team’s revenue reports at their...
Change Tools
Change Models
Description Change a role or team’s base tools, instead of laptops use tablets, instead of hammers use...
Change Models
Description Change a role or team’s base tools, instead of laptops use tablets, instead of hammers use...
Products and Consumers of Systems
Strategic Analysis
Typical methods involved in solutioning, whether they are for internal or external consumers of...
Strategic Analysis
Typical methods involved in solutioning, whether they are for internal or external consumers of...
5 - Patterns
TSoT establishes system-level patterns that can be used to translate the reasoning behind how...
TSoT establishes system-level patterns that can be used to translate the reasoning behind how...
4 - Solution Variables & Formulas
Team Solutions
If the situation cannot produce IFR zero in the real-world (after appropriate analysis do not...
Team Solutions
If the situation cannot produce IFR zero in the real-world (after appropriate analysis do not...
4.4 - Pattern of Asymmetrical Role Specialization
As roles evolve within a system, they will continue to refine their specialization independently....
As roles evolve within a system, they will continue to refine their specialization independently....
1 - Characteristics of Team Systems
The team system characteristics discussed here can be thought of as the attributes of the system...
The team system characteristics discussed here can be thought of as the attributes of the system...
6 - Key Performance Measures
Team Analysis
This method begins with aligning the system’s function to existing organization- or system-level...
Team Analysis
This method begins with aligning the system’s function to existing organization- or system-level...
Copying or Cloning
Change Models
Description Instead of creating something new or making a team exceptionally large, create...
Change Models
Description Instead of creating something new or making a team exceptionally large, create...
Strategic Analysis
Competition is one of the main internal market factors that drive new products and services. Once...
Strategic Analysis
Competition is one of the main internal market factors that drive new products and services. Once...
4 - Value Chain
Supply and demand have been very deeply studied concepts. For our purposes here in a market, the...
Supply and demand have been very deeply studied concepts. For our purposes here in a market, the...
3 - Solution Algorithm Test One
Team Solutions
The first test is always “What would it take to remove the need for this output in this case?”
Team Solutions
The first test is always “What would it take to remove the need for this output in this case?”

4.3 - Pattern of Asymmetrical Role Modernization
The roles within a system develop at unequal rates, the more unequal the development of the roles, the...
The roles within a system develop at unequal rates, the more unequal the development of the roles, the...
5 - Solution Leveling
Team Analysis
The analysis in steps two and/or three will have produced a necessary delta, representing the...
Team Analysis
The analysis in steps two and/or three will have produced a necessary delta, representing the...
Change Models
Description Create roles and teams that only exist for a short period of time as needed by the...
Change Models
Description Create roles and teams that only exist for a short period of time as needed by the...
BPS Strategic Models
Strategic Analysis
Strategic modeling, by nature, is a future-oriented enterprise and is an important part of shaping the...
Strategic Analysis
Strategic modeling, by nature, is a future-oriented enterprise and is an important part of shaping the...
1 - TSoT Framework
The TSoT Framework is divided into distinct parts, with a core focused on producing real-world...
The TSoT Framework is divided into distinct parts, with a core focused on producing real-world...
2 - Solution Flowchart (Tests)
Team Solutions
There are three tests to apply to every situation. Sometimes these tests require considerable...
Team Solutions
There are three tests to apply to every situation. Sometimes these tests require considerable...
4.2 - Pattern of Increasing Internal & External Coordination
This pattern has to do with the interaction between different roles of the system and supersystem. Over time...
This pattern has to do with the interaction between different roles of the system and supersystem. Over time...
4 - Test 3
Team Analysis
Is the current output A greater than or equal to the required output R as well as any problems P...
Team Analysis
Is the current output A greater than or equal to the required output R as well as any problems P...
Change Models
Description Include necessary input variables within a team system processing so they do not have...
Change Models
Description Include necessary input variables within a team system processing so they do not have...
Modeling and Simulation
Strategic Analysis
Modeling and simulation advance scenario building with a wide variety of techniques to represent a...
Strategic Analysis
Modeling and simulation advance scenario building with a wide variety of techniques to represent a...
2 - Positive Innovation
Foundational to TSoT is the concept positive innovation, meaning that there are better and worse...
Foundational to TSoT is the concept positive innovation, meaning that there are better and worse...
1 - Team Solution Algorithm
Team Solutions
The Solution Algorithm is based upon a concept called the Ideal Final Result (IFR) which defines...
Team Solutions
The Solution Algorithm is based upon a concept called the Ideal Final Result (IFR) which defines...
4.1 - Pattern of Increasing & Changing Relationships over Time
Team systems are all about the coordination of roles to produce output from input. The connections between...
Team systems are all about the coordination of roles to produce output from input. The connections between...
3 - Test 2
Team Analysis
Are the current benefits B greater than or equal to the cost C of the benefits? If yes for either, then...
Team Analysis
Are the current benefits B greater than or equal to the cost C of the benefits? If yes for either, then...
Change Models
Description Use a go-between system or a broker process. Put roles in place that act as links or...
Change Models
Description Use a go-between system or a broker process. Put roles in place that act as links or...
Strategic Analysis
Forecasting is a tool used to predict future events based on historical research and data and is...
Strategic Analysis
Forecasting is a tool used to predict future events based on historical research and data and is...
3 - Value Conflict
Alongside the concept of positive innovation is the concept of value conflict, where there are two...
Alongside the concept of positive innovation is the concept of value conflict, where there are two...
4 - TAU Patterns: Patterns of Continual Transformation
The Tau Patterns forecast non-linear and asymmetrical developmental paths for the team system and...
The Tau Patterns forecast non-linear and asymmetrical developmental paths for the team system and...
2 - Test 1
Team Analysis
Can the IFR equal zero while still maintaining supersystem ideality and value? If the answer is...
Team Analysis
Can the IFR equal zero while still maintaining supersystem ideality and value? If the answer is...
Periodic Action
Change Models
Description Instead of using a continuous action, use a periodic action. If processing is already...
Change Models
Description Instead of using a continuous action, use a periodic action. If processing is already...
Scenario building
Strategic Analysis
Scenario building helps to show possible consequences of strategy implementation. Scenario...
Strategic Analysis
Scenario building helps to show possible consequences of strategy implementation. Scenario...
3.2 - Pattern of Emergent Functional & Structural Alignment
For team systems to exist they must possess the structure and function necessary to convert system inputs...
For team systems to exist they must possess the structure and function necessary to convert system inputs...
1 - Team Analysis
Team Analysis
True disruptive change requires a change in thinking within individuals and organizations alike...
Team Analysis
True disruptive change requires a change in thinking within individuals and organizations alike...
Convert Harm to Benefit (Blessing in Disguise)
Change Models
Description Use harmful factors in one context to achieve a positive effect in another context,...
Change Models
Description Use harmful factors in one context to achieve a positive effect in another context,...
Linking the IFR to forward-looking analysis
Strategic Analysis
Linking the IFR to future trends involves utilizing and synthesizing the skills of strategic...
Strategic Analysis
Linking the IFR to future trends involves utilizing and synthesizing the skills of strategic...
3.1 - Pattern of Emergent and Maintained Systemity
It is possible to identify team systems from non-systems through the analysis of their...
It is possible to identify team systems from non-systems through the analysis of their...
Horizontal or Vertical Integration (Change Dimensions)
Change Models
Description Change, integrate, consolidate, or move around roles within the value chain. NOTE:...
Change Models
Description Change, integrate, consolidate, or move around roles within the value chain. NOTE:...
Value Tree Method
Strategic Analysis
The value tree method involves assessment of the system’s value-producing processes: support...
Strategic Analysis
The value tree method involves assessment of the system’s value-producing processes: support...
3 - Epsilon Patterns: Emergent System Characteristics
The Epsilon patterns represent the bounds of the system, defining emergent system structures and...
The Epsilon patterns represent the bounds of the system, defining emergent system structures and...
Change Feedback or Control
Change Models
Description Create additional input/output control points within a system. If these control points...
Change Models
Description Create additional input/output control points within a system. If these control points...
Functional Unit Method
Strategic Analysis
Focus on examining the system as a series of functions, each separate from the other and each...
Strategic Analysis
Focus on examining the system as a series of functions, each separate from the other and each...
2 - Alpha Patterns: Pattern of Advancement to or from the IFR
The Alpha pattern is the first pattern and the dominant pattern.
The Alpha pattern frames the overall...
The Alpha pattern is the first pattern and the dominant pattern.

Change Processing Cycle
Change Models
Description Conduct a process, or certain stages of a process, at a different speed or order, do...
Change Models
Description Conduct a process, or certain stages of a process, at a different speed or order, do...
The Steps of Strategic Thinking
Strategic Analysis
There are many ideas on what constitutes strategic thinking and how it should be implemented at...
Strategic Analysis
There are many ideas on what constitutes strategic thinking and how it should be implemented at...
1 - Patterns (Maturity)
The patterns of team system evolution provide a method for looking at teams from various...
The patterns of team system evolution provide a method for looking at teams from various...
Automated Substitution
Change Models
Description Replace a manual process with an automated one; replace one form of automation with...
Change Models
Description Replace a manual process with an automated one; replace one form of automation with...
The Rationale for Strategy
Strategic Analysis
There are several different theories of rationale for strategic planning. Three important ones...
Strategic Analysis
There are several different theories of rationale for strategic planning. Three important ones...
Change Models
Description When only a few types of inputs can be accepted into a system for processing, apply...
Change Models
Description When only a few types of inputs can be accepted into a system for processing, apply...
Systems Thinking as Strategy
Strategic Analysis
Systems thinking as applied to management looks at organizations and markets as an organism or...
Strategic Analysis
Systems thinking as applied to management looks at organizations and markets as an organism or...
Partial or Excessive Action
Change Models
Description If a percent of a desired process is unachievable given a solution, then by using...
Change Models
Description If a percent of a desired process is unachievable given a solution, then by using...
Appreciative Inquiry
Strategic Analysis
Appreciative inquiry is a qualitative approach to strategy formation that emphasizes discussion...
Strategic Analysis
Appreciative inquiry is a qualitative approach to strategy formation that emphasizes discussion...
Prior Action or Counteraction
Change Models
Description Perform processing before it is needed on a separate timeline or in a separate...
Change Models
Description Perform processing before it is needed on a separate timeline or in a separate...
1 - Strategic Analysis
Strategic Analysis
Strategic planning is nothing new, the earliest roots of conscious strategy formation are often...
Strategic Analysis
Strategic planning is nothing new, the earliest roots of conscious strategy formation are often...
Change Models
Description Have a team consume its own output as input. This is especially useful in short...
Change Models
Description Have a team consume its own output as input. This is especially useful in short...
Change Models
Description If the role or team system is not, in time or processing, parallel to other roles...
Change Models
Description If the role or team system is not, in time or processing, parallel to other roles...
Change Models
Description Have a role perform the same function across multiple team systems and eliminate the...
Change Models
Description Have a role perform the same function across multiple team systems and eliminate the...
Local Value/Nonconformity
Change Models
Description Allow the team system to exist according to different rules, or in contrast to...
Change Models
Description Allow the team system to exist according to different rules, or in contrast to...
Change Models
Description Create a team system with roles that can change as needed, sometimes being in...
Change Models
Description Create a team system with roles that can change as needed, sometimes being in...
Change Models
Description Separate an internal role from a system, or single out the only necessary roles of a...
Change Models
Description Separate an internal role from a system, or single out the only necessary roles of a...
Consolidation (Bring Together)
Change Models
Description Combine a set of roles or team systems based upon an appropriate characteristic into...
Change Models
Description Combine a set of roles or team systems based upon an appropriate characteristic into...
Segmentation (Splitting Up)
Change Models
Description Divide a role or team system further into independent parts based upon an appropriate...
Change Models
Description Divide a role or team system further into independent parts based upon an appropriate...
1 - Solution Models
Change Models
A model is a concept showing the change in state from before and after a change is made. It is an...
Change Models
A model is a concept showing the change in state from before and after a change is made. It is an...
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