The team system characteristics discussed here can be thought of as the attributes of the system within the context that is set, given the level of the system that is under analysis.

Remember, these are generic characteristics that are intended as abstract representations of the specific contextual characteristics you are working to improve.

When dealing with specific real-world teams, the goal is to align a characteristic to be improved and an impacted characteristic that you want to resolve from negative impact. If in your analysis you find you can improve a single characteristic without impacting any other characteristics, then you are dealing with a problem that does not require a high level of analysis to solve. When that is the case solve it using available resources without delay. 

The model for using these characteristics is to identify the characteristics that most prominently needs to be improved to address the problem at hand and to identify the characteristic that is most impacted negatively through that improvement. That intersection is the contradiction.

Another guiding principle is the subdivision of team characteristics. Effort has been made to avoid individual criticisms and to focus on the team as a unit and its ability to create output and its position as a role in a larger system. Given that, five zones are available for more detailed examination. Just as the characteristics overall, these are guiding constructs and not meant to be the only possible way to segment team system analysis.

In this model a zone is considered an area having a specific role and characteristic as well as well-defined boundaries.

  • INPUT ZONE – The roles within the team system that facilitate the transfer of material input from external to the team system to internal to the team system.
  • PROCESS ZONE – The roles within the team system that internally transition material input into material output.
  • OUTPUT ZONE – The roles within the team system that facilitate the transfer of material output from internal to the team system to the external environment.
  • INTERNAL ZONE – The roles and processes that exist inside the team system.
  • EXTERNAL ZONE – The roles and processes that exist outside the team system.

There is not a complete list of team characteristics, the varied nature of production, products, and operating environments preclude this. Several examples are provided here, the important takeaway is that to apply system analysis, attributes are used to conceptualize change; identifying positive attributes to maintain while improving others.

  • The team system characteristics can be thought of as the attributes of the system within the context that is set.
  • The goal is to align a characteristic to be improved and an impacted characteristic that you want to resolve from negative impact.
  • If in your analysis you find you can improve a single characteristic without impacting any other characteristics, then you are dealing with a problem that does not require a high level of analysis to solve, so solve it. 
  • Otherwise, the intersection of characteristic to improve and characteristic not to negatively impact is the contradiction.

A reasonable exercise in your organization might be to start with the examples here and define a list of working attributes within your organization based upon the type of work that is done and the focus of management. In any case the characteristics of teams aligned to proposed improvements allow for deep analysis of ideality and value.





Cycle Time














Adaptability is the ability of a system to change itself efficiently and successfully to internal or external circumstances. An adaptive system is an open system that can fit its behavior according to changes in its environment or in parts of the system itself. The demand for change without other factors involved can be expressed.

Simplicity is the state or quality of being simple. Something easy to understand, perform, or explain. Freedom from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts.

Control helps to minimize deviation from standards and ensure that the stated goals of the organization are achieved in a desired manner. According to modern concepts, control is a foreseeing action with performance feedback. Control in management includes setting standards, measuring actual performance, and taking corrective action.

Cycle Time
Cycle time variation is a metric and philosophy for continuous improvement with the aim of driving down the deviations in the time it takes to produce successive units of output. It supports organizations' application of lean philosophy by eliminating wasteful expenditure of resources. It is distinguished from some of the more common applications by its different focus of creating a structure for progressively reducing the sources of internal variation that leads to workarounds and disruption.

The combination of a systems accuracy and precision, such that the degree of closeness of measurements to the true desired value is as close to zero as possible, and the system is able to reproduce and repeat that precision consistently to show the same results.

Integrity is the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished. In the TSoT concept this is meant to focus on the structure of the team system not the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values (which of course is assumed).

Interoperability is a characteristic of a team system whose ability to accept input and produce output is completely understood, meaning its ability to work with other or different systems, at present or in the future, in either input, process, or output, is without major restrictions.

Reliability is a characteristic of systems that emphasizes dependability in the lifecycle management of systemity, it describes the ability of a system to function under stated conditions for a specified period and produce expected results. Reliability is closely related to both availability of the team at large and the output in specifics. The ability to function at a specified moment.

The amount of work necessary to convert inputs into outputs. There is an implied underpinning of effort to suggest the concept of streamlined and consistent, meaning from a TSoT standpoint effort represent work done at a high rate of professional precision on task, not resources allocated to deal with superfluous activity.

Quality can be interpreted as the non-inferiority or superiority of something. An evaluation as being suitable for its intended purpose while satisfying expectations. Team systems might measure conformance quality, or degree to which the output was produced by the correct process, or the degree that output is reliable, maintainable, or sustainable.

Quantity is the amount or number of an output or role. It can be the volume of a thing, and the count of a thing, or both.

Longevity is the typical amount of time a role or system can maintain systemity. It is typically an amount of time. Conceptually, a team that has a characteristic of longevity would be a team that is predicted to exist as a team for a long period.

Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk.

Security in the TSoT context can refer to information security or the general security of an operating environment. In contrast to safety which is intended to refer to the concept of people, security is meant to address data, ideas, products, or environments.

Predictability is the degree to which a correct prediction or forecast of a system's state, inputs, processes, or outputs, can be made either qualitatively or quantitatively.

Variety is the quality or state of having different forms or types.